Tag Archives: inspiration

Time, Space, and Inspiration

I’m late with my blog post today for the Insecure Writers Support Group. I’ve been thinking about it for a few weeks now, but I procrastinated till the last minute. I’m trying to get better with this, so hopefully next month I’ll post on time. One of the blogs I follow is Joanna Penn’s The...

The New Book

My muse is completely unreliable and disrespectfully inconvenient. After being absent for weeks on end, without so much a ‘by your leave‘, I might add, she finally returned last night, a little before ten o’clock. Being the inspiration-starved writer I am these days, I didn’t question her absence, nor her reappearance; indeed, I pretended it...


I have some news- I finished the manuscript! It happened a few weeks ago, on February 13th, and the final word count was about 91,500 words, give or take a few. What does this have to do with inspiration, you ask? Well, it so happened that, the week before, I came across a video clip...