Category Archives: miscellaneous


Bear with me, I will be rambling a bit today. What are my intentions? The dream alone is not enough. I want to go beyond the dream. For years, I was not at the place to do more than dream about it, but now I can see past it. I see a lot of authors...

Summer Book Trek Reading Challenge!

  If you’re a reader, this is the challenge for you! Last year, I read dozens and dozens of books on my Kindle, but I didn’t keep track of them. This year, I’m keeping track of Goodreads, and I’m on my way to bust my personal goal. This reading challenge posted on the New LDS...

Portugal- the beauty of simplicity

I’m leaving to Portugal on Wednesday morning. I still have so much to do, and I’m not done packing. Which means, I don’t have much time for blog posts or anything else (I’ll have more news when I come back). But I couldn’t leave without posting something, so here’s a little taste of Portugal: Xau!

Read and Write

I’m a word nerd. I know, it’s not a big confession. I started 1st grade in post-Salazar Lisbon. I remember walking with my mother in the city, and trying to read the campaign ads glued to the fronts of the buildings. I read everything that came in front of me. We didn’t have cold cereal...


I have some news- I finished the manuscript! It happened a few weeks ago, on February 13th, and the final word count was about 91,500 words, give or take a few. What does this have to do with inspiration, you ask? Well, it so happened that, the week before, I came across a video clip...

It’s Ja-new-ary!

  This picture illustrates how I feel during January in Utah- locked under ice crystals. I hate the cold. If you watch a certain kids’ channel, then you know where I got the idea for the title. It fits the theme, though. It’s a new year, and it’s a new month. And it’s a whole...