Tag Archives: revisions

A New Milestone

Go ahead, pat me on the back— I’ve reached a new milestone. After almost six months of editing, and with the help of an awesome team of beta-readers, I’ve declared my manuscript finished. I’m using the above minion as my own merit badge. Yay, go me! The truth is, I had to give myself a...

On the Subject of Beta-reading

Today I have some pictures of Sanctuary of Sameiro, situated on the southeastern hills that overlook the city. This is how it looks from the balcony in my mother’s condo:   In chapter two of The Secret Life of Daydreams, there’s a scene that takes place there. I don’t want to give too much away,...


What is it about the first day of Spring that brings a sense of renewal and hope? After all, it’s mostly a calendar event- the weather today here in Utah is cloudy and a bit cold (at least for me). And I haven’t seen any crocuses yet. Aren’t those pretty though? I did take that...