Category Archives: editing

Another Point of View

It’s that time of the month again, first Wednesday, which means, it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group: Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all...

Interview with an Editor— McKenna Gardner

  Today on the blog I have McKenna Gardner, who is an editor at Xchyler Publishing.     Tell me a bit about yourself and your background. What did you study in college? I grew up all over the country. Though born in Idaho, I’ve lived in twenty-five different homes and learned at an early...

How Many Edits Does a Story Need?

A common complaint I hear from readers against indie (or self-published) books is the lack of editing. With Amazon and other platforms making it so easy to publish, there are lots of writers who upload a book without any kind of edits, which is painfully obvious from the first few pages. There are also lots...

A New Milestone

Go ahead, pat me on the back— I’ve reached a new milestone. After almost six months of editing, and with the help of an awesome team of beta-readers, I’ve declared my manuscript finished. I’m using the above minion as my own merit badge. Yay, go me! The truth is, I had to give myself a...


What is it about the first day of Spring that brings a sense of renewal and hope? After all, it’s mostly a calendar event- the weather today here in Utah is cloudy and a bit cold (at least for me). And I haven’t seen any crocuses yet. Aren’t those pretty though? I did take that...