
It’s that time of the month again, first Wednesday, which means, it’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group:

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds.


According to Merriam-Webster online, this is what slogging means. And this is where I’m at right now, slogging through my WIP which has a deadline next month. Yikes.


DECEMBER’S QUESTION: In terms of your writing career, where do you see yourself five years from now, and what’s your plan to get there?

Five years from now, I want to have 10-12 books published under my name. My goal is to publish at least 2 books each year. I met my goal for 2016 and I intend to keep it for next year too.


Insecure Writer #79